Well I then decided I would get the kindergarten curriculum and buy a few supplies and then the money we are spending on preschool could be used as a field trip each week. Plus a lot saved which is always a plus.
These supplies I gathered from Dollar Tree and I found a lot of cute things that would help them learn such as flash cards, cut and paste books, dry erase boards with writing guidelines on them, preschool work books, counting blocks, Alphabet and number borders, a dry erase clock and calendar. I even added star stickers and a chart. Scissors, glue, crayons, and of course their own pencil box, which they were pretty excited about!
They really enjoyed the counting blocks..
So here it goes...
Our Schedule:
8:00- wake up and breakfast.
8:45- calendars, weather, telling time, and a story that corresponds with theme of week
9:15- letter of the week and theme of week. work on writing and letters and sight words.
9:45- math worksheet and counting snack
10:15-TV time educational show and puzzles(break for me to do housework)
11:15-we will make craft to go along with theme, or science related activity
11:45- play outside while I make lunch or go to park and take a lunch (usually fix lunch night before or during the hour break if I plan on leaving)
12:30-1- eat lunch and get ready to take a nap
After nap they have a snack and our day is done and that is when we run errands or just hang out.
We take field trips to the Zoo, Science center, Botanical Gardens, Library, Art museum, Michael's or Home Depot if they have any kids classes that day.
They love when their day is done! They feel like Ninjas!
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